Environmental biophysics is of course very complex. However, from its complexity one part that is interesting and important is biophysics in macroscopic scale, especially biophysics of working. In this context, the important physical concept is the application of the law of conservation of energy when a person is interacted with physical environment and instruments or equipments utilized in a working system.
Biophysics of Working.bmp)
The biophysics of working is about important physical concepts when a person performs an activity in a working system. A working system consists of three principal components: worker, physical environment, and instruments or equipments utilized in working, and organization. In performing an activity, the body of worker will interact with physical environment and instrument or equipments utilized in working. In the interaction, the important physical concept is about energy. For example, when a person performs an outdoor activity, he or she will be exposed to direct sunlight, air temperature, air humidity and wind speed. Because of the performed activity, the metabolism of body cells will increase. Consequently, the body temperature will also increase. Physiologically, a thermoregulatory mechanism governed by the center of nervous system will work to maintain the body temperature to a value of set point, 37 degree of Celsius. If the temperature average of body is 37-Celsius degree, the body is in thermal equilibrium. It means that the heat produced by body cells is balanced with heat released out of body. A Problem occurred when the temperature average of body is smaller or larger than the value of set point. If the temperature average of body is larger than the value of set point, it means that in the body occurs the heat surplus. On the contrary, when the temperature average of body is smaller than the value of set point, it means that in the body occurs the deficit of heat.
No matter what the working activity performed, it is better to be done efforts so that the temperature average of the body is around the value of set point (37-Celsius degree). In order to achieve thermal equilibrium, we need ergonomic knowledge. For useful information, visits this scribd and the website of Rolles Nixon Palilingan.
Biophysics of Working
The biophysics of working is about important physical concepts when a person performs an activity in a working system. A working system consists of three principal components: worker, physical environment, and instruments or equipments utilized in working, and organization. In performing an activity, the body of worker will interact with physical environment and instrument or equipments utilized in working. In the interaction, the important physical concept is about energy. For example, when a person performs an outdoor activity, he or she will be exposed to direct sunlight, air temperature, air humidity and wind speed. Because of the performed activity, the metabolism of body cells will increase. Consequently, the body temperature will also increase. Physiologically, a thermoregulatory mechanism governed by the center of nervous system will work to maintain the body temperature to a value of set point, 37 degree of Celsius. If the temperature average of body is 37-Celsius degree, the body is in thermal equilibrium. It means that the heat produced by body cells is balanced with heat released out of body. A Problem occurred when the temperature average of body is smaller or larger than the value of set point. If the temperature average of body is larger than the value of set point, it means that in the body occurs the heat surplus. On the contrary, when the temperature average of body is smaller than the value of set point, it means that in the body occurs the deficit of heat.
No matter what the working activity performed, it is better to be done efforts so that the temperature average of the body is around the value of set point (37-Celsius degree). In order to achieve thermal equilibrium, we need ergonomic knowledge. For useful information, visits this scribd and the website of Rolles Nixon Palilingan.
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