APCHI & Ergofuture 2010
APCHI & Ergofuture 2010
Joint International Conference of APCHI (Asia Pacific Computer Human Interaction) 2010 and Ergofuture 2010
Bali, 3 – 5 August, 2010
Call for Proposals and ParticipationBali, 3 – 5 August, 2010
Based on long experiences working in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Ergonomics (Erg), Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), it seems that we are practically still running at the same place up to now. Injury and accident in fact is still happening, even also in a workplace fully equipped with up to date regulation and acts as well as safety measures likes personal protective devices. Priority must be given to tackle and manage unsafe behavior and developing safety behavior with its positive thinking and act. Mind set changes become an important issue to be successful. And a total approach must be done to solve the complex problem completely.
- To provide guidance and direction for young ergonomists
- To show the unfit, improper, inappropriate research and application of ergonomics and OSH
- To convince that a total and a more strategic approach must be done in conducting research and application with aim to have
maximal benefit.
- Pre Conference (Symposium, Workshops and Tutorials)
- Keynote Addresses
- Free communication (parallel session): Human Computer Interaction, Cultural, Hospital, Aging, Small scale industries, Industrial sports, Disable, Children, Women ergonomics, Cognitive, Product Design, Displays and Warnings, Mining, MSDs, ODAM, Office, Communities, Transport, Tourism, Agriculture, Architecture, School, Home, Industrial, 24 hours society, etc
- Student papers for undergraduate
- Accompany program
- Additional tour (under request and number of participants)
VenuesThe conference will be held at Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel & Suites, a four star hotel located at Sanur beach Denpasar Bali, about 20 minutes from International Airport Ngurah Rai.
Organizing Committee
Bali Ergonomics Study Group, APCHI, Indonesian Ergonomics Society (IES) Bali Chapter, Postgraduate Program on Ergonomic Udayana University, IES, Dept. of Physiology Udayana University, and Bali Human Ecology Study Group.
Important Deadlines
Organizing Committee
Bali Ergonomics Study Group, APCHI, Indonesian Ergonomics Society (IES) Bali Chapter, Postgraduate Program on Ergonomic Udayana University, IES, Dept. of Physiology Udayana University, and Bali Human Ecology Study Group.
Important Deadlines
- 28 February 2010: Proposal submissionAbstract of max 500 words, one paragraph and one page including Author/s, affiliations, address (e-mail), content and keywords.
- 31 May 2010: Full paper submission
Full paper of accepted abstract must be written according to the paper template and the length between 4 -5 pages.
Registration fee